Flavored bitters – add taste to your drink

Bitter is a low-volume cocktail that is an aroma drink. It can also be used as a component in cocktails or drunk neat.
Initially, they were developed as treatments; their use later started to be extended to flavorings and spices for cookery and cocktails. Nowadays, they get a very enthusiastic welcome in the bar industry and the kitchen because they can give a drink or dish depth of taste and sophistication of aroma.
Features of the bitter drink
Bitter increases the production of bile and saliva, which improves digestion. The taste of the drink is bitter to varying degrees. Some drinks may have a slight bitterness, while others are very bitter. The beverages have a distinct aroma of spices and fruits.
Bitters vary in composition and taste. Some have a brilliant, pronounced bitter taste, while others are more adorable and aromatic. Each bitter has its own features and can be used to give a certain shade of taste to a particular cocktail. They are divided into several categories:
- classic (Angostura);
- fruity, herbal (absinthe);
- and many others.
Flavored bitters are widely used in world cuisine and cocktail culture. They can be added to raw and cooked dishes to give them a harmonious flavor and rich fragrance. Bitters also improve traditional cocktails, making them more interesting and complex.
The main rule when operating bitters is to use them wisely. They are very robust and intense components, so even a few drops can change the flavor and fragrance of a drink or dish. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to suspend the use of bitters.
Bitters have not only a unique taste and aroma, but also a number of useful properties. They help improve digestion, help relieve stress and improve mood, and also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory belongings. However, it is necessary to remember that in considerable amounts, bitters can be harmful to health.
It is interesting to note that bitters have a rich past. They were known in archaic times, and their use was often associated with magical and healing properties.
How to drink bitters
Bitters can be purchased in pure form after meals as a digestif. Such an alcoholic drink can be served with juice, vodka, lemon or orange, chilled water, and light snacks. Some kinds of bitters, such as cocktails, coffee, or tea, are drunk with ice. The beverage is served in shot glasses or small liqueur glasses. It is better to drink bitters chilled. Glasses with the drink are traditionally carried out on a tray.